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A Nostalgic Blast From The Past

WEB QUByte Interactive Reveals Lineup of QUByte Classics for PS4 and Xbox

A Nostalgic Blast from the Past

WEB QUByte Interactive, a leading publisher of retro games, has unveiled a lineup of QUByte Classics for PlayStation 4 and Xbox consoles. As a partner of Piko Interactive, WEB QUByte Interactive brings back beloved titles from the past, offering a nostalgic experience for gamers of all ages.

A Retrospective on WEB QUByte Interactive

WEB QUBytes is an independent video game studio with over 20 games developed under its belt. It has emerged as the largest independent publisher in Latin America, releasing over 100 games across multiple platforms. WEB QUByte Interactive's portfolio includes a wide range of genres, including platformers, shooters, and role-playing games.
